FSC for sustainable and responsible forest management
The steady decrease of the Earth’s forestation is more worrying as ever.
One of the milestones in international cooperation for environment protection was the UN conference in Rio de Janeiro, held in 1992, which focused not only on the destruction of the environment increasingly threatening the ecosystem of our planet.
Under the influence and spirit of the Rio Summit, the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), an independent organization (Council for Responsible Foresty) was established in 1993 to urge actions at global level for sustainable and responsible forest management. The FSC label and certification system is working for buyers of wood products to fight for a more responsible and sustainable global forest management.
The central elements of the FSC activities are the propagation and operation of a certification scheme for responsible forest management. The FSC certificate guarantees that forests, wood factories, furniture producers, etc. accept and comply with the strict standards and regulations of FSC, their products meet the conditions of environmentally conscious and socially responsible production and manufacturing.
FSC strictly monitors the compliance with the rules, use of the FSC logo and annually audits FSC certified organizations. If they find an abuse at any member of the certification chain, they withdraw the certification, which cannot be obtained again for 5 years.